Basic Design Package
1. Estimate
The Customer can obtained an preliminary Estimate independently online, call our office, or come in person to the office. This Estimate is a rough calculation of requested services. Once the Customer is ready to proceed with our services then he/she would receive a Quote.
2. Quote & Deposit
The Customer could receive a Quote by e-mail, by phone, or by coming to our office. When additional information is collected, if needed, the Customer will be presented with a Quote that becomes a Contract once signed. When the Customer is satisfied with the price and the offered services he/ she will sign the Quote and pay Deposit. No work on the project will continue until the Deposit is paid. Once the Deposit is paid the Preliminary Drawing will be prepared.
3. Information Gathering Stage
During the Initial Meeting we will collect the needed information in order to start working on your project. We will also require the Customer to finalize the Schematic Floor plans and front Elevation of the building at the meeting.
4. Schematic Design Stage
In Basic Design Package the Schematic Floor plans and the front Elevation are to be finalized during the Initial Meeting.
5. Preliminary Design Stage
During this stage the Customer will have an opportunity to make up to 3 Minor Design Change Orders free of charge.
a) Minor Design Change Orders
Once the Customer receives the Progress Drawings he or she will be able to prepare a Change Order with a list of Minor Design Changes to the drawings. When the Customer is ready to have a Progress Meeting he or she has to schedule this meeting by phone. The Progress Meeting could be held in person in our office, by phone, or via Skype. If the Progress Meeting is requested to be held by phone or Skype, the Customer has to send us the changes to the drawings prior to the meeting. During this meeting we will go over the changes the Customer wants to do and over any questions that might arise from the review of the drawings. The Progress Meetings have an allocated maximum time limit of 1 hour. The allocated time is usually sufficient if the Customer comes prepared.
i. Progress Drawings 1 Based on the Schematic layout finalized during the Initial Meeting we will produce to Scale Floor plans of the building that will be sent to the Customer for a review.
ii. Progress Drawings 2 After the first Progress Meeting we will make the changes to the floor plans as decided at the meeting, and we will also prepare 4 rough Elevation drawings of the building. These changed drawings with 4 rough Elevations will be sent to the Customer for a review.
iii. Progress Drawings 3 Based on the changes requested by the Customer we will prepare Preliminary Drawings consisting of floor plans and 4 Elevations.
At our discretion we may send more detailed Progress Drawings then the required for each stage of the Design Process, but if we do so, the Customer still will have an opportunity to make up to 3 Minor Design Change Orders during the Preliminary Design Stage.
b) Approval of the Preliminary Drawings
When the Customer approves the Preliminary Drawings we will start working on Working Drawings. If the Customer will want further changes to the drawings, such will be charged on hourly basis as per our current Price List.
6. Working Drawings Stage
After Customer approves Preliminary Drawings we will proceed with the production of Working Drawings. Once we complete the Working Drawings we will deliver them to the Customer on the media ordered.
7. Release of Finish Drawing
Once Working Drawing are ready the Customer must pay the invoice prior to the release of the Finial Drawing.